Copyright protects original literary works. Any work by the author must be original at every level and not adapted or copied. Moving on, if two people have produced similar works in a particular field, both of them will be given copyright for their works.
In recent times, when the internet is flooded with information, and it is easier to access various works, the Act protects the original works of literary works. Otherwise, authors seeking an easier route tend to plagiarise in the name of research. This Act discourages them from doing so and rewards the original work by protecting them at every level.
On the other hand, dramatic copyright sometimes protects original dramatic work and its adaptations. The Act also endeavours to protect recitations, choreography, and entertainment shows. However, it must be noted that cinematograph films do not come under the ambit of this Act.
Make sure that your literature or dramatic work is the original one and free from plagiarism. That’s the only eligibility criteria to obtain Literature/Dramatic Copyright.
Literary work encompasses almost all forms of creative writing. Therefore, the literary works majorly include the following:
A Copyright subsists in original dramatic work and its adaptation. Any dramatic work includes a piece for recitation, choreographic work or entertainment in a show, or the scenic arrangement of an acting piece, the form of which is fixed in writing. But a dramatic work must not include a cinematographic film. Here, choreography and scenic arrangement are the art of designing stage dance in an artful symbolic language. They are a form of dramatic work. This Act distinguishes between a literary work and a dramatic one.
The difference between the two artworks is that a literary work allows itself to be read whereas a dramatic work forms the text upon the play’s performance. A dramatic work can be written, printed, or converted to a permanent form. But, it does not include a cinematograph film.
In regard to the Literature/Dramatic Copyright, the following documents are needed
The copyright registration process for a literature/dramatic work is a long one, and it involves a lot of legal requirements. However, all of that can be compressed into the following points:
Perform a copyright registration search to see if the literature/dramatic work of the same name, content, and nature is already copyrighted.
File the application for copyright registration along with a copy of the work you want to copyright.
Wait for the copyrighted material to be published. It shall stay in the journal for a while.
Once you get the copyright registration, the benefits come then. However, the time it takes for the process to be completed can take even years.
We at Registrationwala provide end-to-end solutions for Literature/Dramatic Copyright. Our services include: is a leading legal consultancy firm providing comprehensive services relating to Literature/Dramatic Copyrighting.
Contact us to copyright a literature/dramatic work.
Q. What is the Literature/Dramatic Copyright in India?
A. Copyright protects original literary works. Any work by the author must be original at every level and not adapted or copied. Moving on, if two people have produced similar works in a particular field, both of them will be given copyright for their works.
Q. What is the Literature Copyright in India and Dramatic Copyright in India?
A. Refer to the eligibility section to learn the difference between the two.
Q. What is the procedure for dramatic work copyright registration in India?
A. The copyright registration process for a literature/dramatic work is a long one, and it involves a lot of legal requirements. However, all of that can be compressed into the following points:
Q. What does a Literary Artwork include?
A. Literary work encompasses almost all forms of creative writing. Therefore, the literary works majorly include the following:
Q. What is referred to as a Dramatic Artwork?
A. A Copyright subsists in original dramatic work and its adaptation. Any dramatic work includes a piece for recitation, choreographic work or entertainment in a show, or the scenic arrangement of an acting piece, the form of which is fixed in writing. But a dramatic work must not include a cinematographic film.