Important facts of Copyright

  • October 03, 2022
  • Update date: January 20, 2025
  • Dushyant Sharma

If you've created something artistic or literary like a book or a novel, you would want your creative to run wild more. However, if you are not properly rewarded for your creations, would you be interested? That's the reason copyright registration exists. It legally establishes you as the sole owner of the thing you created. However, there are many important and legal facts about copyright that people don't know about. Not anymore. We are here to tell you some important facts of copyright. 

Copyright registration

Copyright is an intellectual property. It recognizes the exclusive rights of the creator over an original work. Objective of Copyright is to protect the territorial rights. Copyright is mainly for the artistic work like Music, manuscript, fashion, designs, film and portrait. It is also for objects like books, software, brochures etc.

Copyright is basically reservation of moment you create your original work. Copyright registration is an added advantage. Copyright also protects the unnecessary disputes and are considered as admissible evidence in the court of law. Copyright has a lifetime right.

Need of Copyright Registrar

Copyright registrar is the head of a Copyright office. It serves as an office of record. Copyright Minister is controlled by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. He/She is also in charge of implementation of Copyright Act. It is also the place where claims to copyright are registered and documents related to copyright are recorded. It furnishes information about the provisions of the copyright law and the procedures for making registration.

Copyright protection

Copyright protection is a form of monopoly that arises automatically at the moment author fixes the work in a tangible form. The object with copyright reserve an exclusive right. Copyright protection insurance policy can also avail by registering your work with the registrar of the copyright. It is conferred on all Original literary, dramatic, musical cinematography and sound recording works. Copyright Protection creates a public record of the work and you can then sue anyone for copyright infringement.

Copyright Infringement

Copyright Infringement is a term used for copyright protected work without permission. Copyright laws provide us a safeguard against theft of our creative works. In the case of new age of copyright, a new work is a derivative of some copyright work. There are mainly two types of assumption of infringement can be classified as primary infringement and secondary infringement.

Mainly primary infringement means that the original piece of work has been copied and the secondary infringement means that the original piece of work has either been pirated (books, etc.) or has been imported. In case of internet when someone swipes your picture/song/video from the internet and uses it for their own purposes, it is a copyright infringement.

Copyright to Book

Books can also be copyrighted as soon as author pen down the book. It is imperative to copyright a book with bookstores mushrooming all over the place and online stores taking over the market. It prevents the stores, both online and physical, from buying a copy and publishing it copies.

Copyright for Sound recording and Film

Audio track and video can be copyrighted mainly it is recommended that you get an NOC from all the people involved in its making. Copyright also protects you from any objections thereafter. There are rules and regulations defined for the copyright on sound recording and cinematography copyright registration.

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Dushyant Sharma
Author: Dushyant Sharma

Hey there, I'm Dushyant Sharma. With the extensive knowledge I've gained in past 8 years, I have been creating content on various subjects such as banking, insurance, telecom, and all the important registration and licensing processes for various companies. I'm here to help everyone with my expertise in these areas through my articles.

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